A Dedicated High Precision Industrial Machine Shop

Multiple Machining, Inc. - 812.432.5946

Employment Application

Careers with Multiple Machining

Multiple Machining always accepts applications for quality employees.  All applicants must have a valid Driver’s License 

or State ID, and a Social Security card or Birth Certificate.  Applicants are required to pass a Pre-employment Drug Screening.  

All applicants must have verifiable work experience for positions other than general labor.

Job Descriptions:

  • General Labor Positions:  Must be dependable, self-motivated, able to lift 50+ lbs. and be available to work overtime (10-hour shift plus some weekend hours)
  • General Machine Operator: Must be mechanically inclined and experienced with Mics and Caliper
  • Screw Machine Operator:  5+ years set up experience on Automatic Screw Machine
  • CNC Operator:  Must be able to read prints, calipers, micrometer
  • CNC Set-up Operator: Must be familiar with 'G' codes, Mastercam, all precision gauges
  • CNC Programing Set-up Operator: 5+ years Mastercam programming experience, as well  as 'G' codes and Haas Controls

Download either the Application Word (docx) file or the Application (PDF) file and fill it out and then -

1 - Send your application form via postal mail to - Multiple Machining, Inc., 10150 Lenover Street, Dillsboro, IN, 47018  - 

Attention: Rachel Mocsny,  Office Manager

2 - Scan your application form and send via email to - Rachel Mocsny, Office Manager - rmocsny@MULTIPLEMACHINING.COM

3.  - Send your application via FAX  (812) 432-3358 - Attention: Rachel Mocsny, Office Manager

Multiple Machining Inc Employment Application (docx)


Multiple Machining Inc Employment Application PDF (pdf)
